St Peter is at the Gates of Heaven waiting to decide on the fate of the dead. He bases his decision on people's answer to: What do you know about Easter?
St Peter: What do you know about Easter?
Man: Easter is a time of great celebration, when the family gathers and eats turkey. I especially enjoy seeing the leaves turning, and the pumpkins!
St Peter says Humrph! as he pulls a lever and sends the man to Hell.
St Peter: What do you know about Easter?
Second man: Ah! Easter! It is a time of great joy. The family gathers to celebrate and be together. Then they go in the woods, cut a fine tree and decorate it...
St Peter, upset, pulls a lever and sends the second man to Hell.
St Peter: What do you know about Easter?
Woman: Easter is a time of grief and joy at the same time. Grief because our Lord Saviour died for our sins on the Cross on the Friday...
St Peter is tearing up, mumbling Amens under his breath.
Woman: He was then put in a tomb, and a huge boulder was rolled to close it off. On the Sunday, he rose from the Dead.
At this point, St Peter is beaming. He has opened the gates wide and is motioning for the woman to step forward.
Woman: Jesus pushed the boulder aside. Now, if he sees his shadow...
Thoughts on Measuring Time
9 years ago
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