I went looking for inspiration on my favorite blogs and am back here, clueless.
I had a vague idea of talking about the close race in France for the election of the first female President of the Republic and make parallels with Hillary Clinton's race...but I figured, what do I know? It would not be a factual analysis, just me and my prejudices in favour of women in power. What's the point, really? We can debate all we want about differences between sexes and the imbalance of power and the way women/men use power... we are really just blowing smoke. I think I want women in power 'cause we're on the same team! Rah! Rah!
Thoughts on Measuring Time
9 years ago
In the future, women will rule this world. Read Arthur C. Clarke ;-)
My father always quoted I don't remember who, who said: "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." I don't believe either sex has the monopoly for common sense or empathy.
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