One of the other good things about my government job is that it is located within walking distance to where the Bookmobile hunkers down for a few hours on Tuesday. This means that I still have access to all the books from the Main Library. "Bookmobile" is a permanent appointment on my Outlook. I go on my lunch hour because it closes at 12:00. It is a 15-minute walk on a busy street with lunch-hour traffic - dusty, noisy and a forced walk so I can have a few minutes more choosing books.
I turn on to a side street and head into a strip mall. I start humming Chris de Burgh's "Old Friend" song and see the bus. It always brings a smile to my face. Therein lies a chance at happiness, treasures galore, non-stop surprises, and friendly staff. During the week, I reserve books I hear or read about. They lay waiting the next time I go. I bring back books and browse the elegant wooden bookcases. There is a selection of magazines, children's books, CDs and DVDs, French books, and a miscellanea of fiction and non-fiction (how big is this bus, anyway?). There is also a checkout counter. The whole thing is as elegant and functional as a boat. I love boating, on lakes, on the sea and on the ground. It's all good.
Thoughts on Measuring Time
9 years ago