Thursday, September 18, 2008

Give me an R...

Here’s a fun game I got from XY x2:

Comment on this post and I’ll give you a letter. List ten things you LOVE which begin with that letter, then post this in your journal and give out some letters of your own.

She gave me the letter R. Here’s my list:

Red - Vibrant, alive and cheerful.

Reading - I spend most of my free time immersed in books. I have been doing that since childhood. I still haven't come up with a definitive list of the books to bring on a desert island (that will be for another post).

Roger - that's my dad. He used to sing to us: "J'aime papa, j'aime maman, j'aime mon p'tit chien, mon p'tit chat, mon p'tit frère/J'aime papa, j'aime maman, j'aime mon p'tit chien et mon cerf-volant." That should get anybody's priorities straight.

Red Sails - lyrics from Bowie. On his Lodger LP. Anything by Bowie, really. He was my favorite singer all my teenage years (I can't say I listen much to him these days).

Le rhinocéros- a marvelously absurd play from Eugène Ionesco. I first saw it in the 1980s with my then-boyfriend who absolutely didn't get it. I should have known right then and there that our relationship was doomed...

Rabbits! - I just love them! It seems I am a rabbit (or hare) in Asian horoscopes. That's fine by me. Maybe it's my totem too?

Running - not in an organized way, mind you. I just love starting to run for no reason, for the sheer pleasure of feeling my muscles respond to my whim, for the fun of speed and the joy of freedom.

Rain - I like thunderstorms ("St. Peter playing bowling" my grandma would say), my mom's memory of rain (school was out if it rained hard because it would flood the dry riverbed and they couldn't cross it; rain is full of hope) and well... rain in and of itself.

Railways - We lived near railways many, many times. They are part of the fabric of myself. I once walked to another town on the railway - it clearly is the shortest route. My brothers boarded merchandise trains for the fun of it (I wasn't supposed to know as I was too young for those dangerous games).

Revolution - Ah well, I love change. Peaceful revolution is certainly the best kind with evolving attitudes and technology.


Anonymous said...

It's so fun to see your responses! I love red and thunderstorms too. The storms in Ottawa seem much more dramatic than the ones we had in Fredericton when I was growing up.

Sleepwalker said...

Hi Mel, interesting game, this. Good creative writing exercise! I enjoyed reading your list and Vicki's. It will be fun to read Heather's next.