Have you ever noticed how if you see an unusual bird or an unusual flower, a familiar reaction is to ask if someone knows what it's called?
This need to name things intrigues me. When that need is met ("It's a robin"), something is appeased. We usually don't go as far as getting any more info: the name itself is what we are after. With the name, we now own the thing itself somehow. It has found its proper place in our little world.
Now this habit dates back. I checked a site on the Bible and found: " So the Lord God formed out of the ground each wild animal and each bird of the sky, and brought each to the man to see what he would call it. And whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name. "
What are the adaptative qualities of naming? I guess it allows you to pass on information to the rest of your tribe and improves your survival rate. "You eat this plant, you are dead. Its name means Poison. Remember this."
Thoughts on Measuring Time
9 years ago
pascale you rock
Why thank you!
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