A while back, I cleaned out the basement and cluttered up my office with papers to file to. I finally got around to filing last week-end and noticed something interesting. I created 4 big folders: Correspondence (memorabilia from friends and family); Creativity (hobbies or projects other than scrapbooking); Work (resume, leads, etc) and Travel. The funny thing is the relative weight of each. Creativity is by far my lightest item (though that fact is skewed as most of the rest of my desk is taken up with scrapbooking-related paraphernalia) with work being the heaviest and fullest of the 4. Now that tells me that my work balance might be a bit off. I was happy to see that my relationships folder was quite healthy and bulgy (though I need to improve on the travel one). In a way, it is a nice summary of how my life has been divided. It was a nice bonus from the de-cluttering process: I got a bit of clarity and reflection on my life.